Contact Us

2022 MVRA Officers
President Terri Porter Email this Person
Vice President Josh Curtis Email this Person
Treasurer Greg Rodgers Email this Person
Corresponding Secretary Lisa Furness Email this Person
Recording Secretary Karol Mannherz Email this Person
Board Of Directors

Luke Basta             Jessica Basta            Valdez Bradley           Yvette Bradley

Sarah Crowell            Tony Donofry            Lisa Furness            Cathy Gutierrez

Hilary Harris            Mike Italia              Paul Jacobsen             Joe Jewusiak

Diane Keener            Cassi Martin             Phyllis McCabe             Carol McShane

Robyn Montgomery       Beth Morris           Jim Murray           Janice Knowlton

Michael Riotto           Kathy Rogers              Tara Schmucker            Peggy Sawaki

Kathy Vantine               Keith Wills

Social Lisa Furness, Sarah Crowell, Beth Morris Email this Person
Health & Safety Mike Italia, Valdez Bradley Email this Person
Membership Tara Schmucker, Robyn Montgomery, Cassie Martin Email this Person
Directory Cassie Martin Email this Person
Entrance Beautification Joe Porter and Volunteers
Newsletter Jessica Basta Email this Person
Newsletter Advertising Paul Jacobson
7 thoughts on “Contact Us”
  1. Re: Website Issues…?


    My name is Nick and I am a Digital Marketing Specialists for a Creative Agency.

    I was doing some industry benchmarking for a client of mine when I came across your website.

    I noticed a few technical errors which correspond with a drop of website traffic over the last 2-3 months which I thought I would bring to your attention.

    After closer inspection, it appears your site is lacking in 4 key criteria.

    1- Website Speed
    2- Link Diversity
    3- Domain Authority
    4- Competition Comparison

    I would love the chance to send you all the errors that at least give you a gauge on the quality of what I do.

    If you are interested then please share your Phone number and requirements.

    Our prices are less than half of what other companies charge.

    Nick Carner

  2. Good morning MV,
    Good morning MVRA,
    Has anyone had a good experience with window replacements? I need to have a few replaced and wanted to work with a good company.

    Thank you for your help.

    Monique Junod

  3. I am a resident of Mountain View Maracas St. Joseph at Lot #5 .I am very much interested and would be humbly appreciative to be a part of this opportunity to tell you about my small business. During the pandemic I was laid off at my job and decided to embark upon a small business venture. The name of my small business is Happy Vegan!

    Happy Vegan specializes in the preparation and sales of vegan meat alternatives. Some of the items we prepare consist of:
    Lentil Sesame Patties 5’s $60.00 10’s $110.00
    Channa Patties 5’s $60.00 10’s $110.00
    Oat Sesame Patties 5’s $50.00 10’s $110.00
    Split peas & Oats Patties 5’s $50.00 10’s $95.00
    Oat & Sesame Meatballs 20 $90.00

    We also have Fritters:
    Lentil Sesame Fritters 40- $135.00
    Channa Fritters 40- $135.00
    Soy Fish Accra 40- $124.00
    Pigeon Peas Accra- 40-$144.00
    We also do a lovely version of SIETAN otherwise known as Gluten.
    100% Whole Wheat Bread $50.00 per loaf
    Happyvegantt @Instagram
    Happyvegan @Facebook

    Additionally to the small business, I am also a vocalist performing at local churches and positive events for birthdays, retirement functions, graduation ceremonies, official engagements in Government etc.

  4. Ηello аll, guys! Ι knоw, my meѕsаge may be toо spесifiс,
    Вut mу ѕistеr found nіce mаn herе аnd thеy mаrriеd, ѕo hоw аbоut me?! 🙂
    I аm 28 уeаrѕ оld, Νаtаlia, from Rоmаnіa, I knоw Engliѕh аnd Germаn languages аlѕo
    Аnd… I havе speсific dіseaѕе, nаmеd nуmphomаniа. Who know what iѕ this, саn undеrstаnd mе (better to ѕаy іt immеdіаtelу)
    Ah yes, I cооk very taѕtyǃ аnd Ι lovе nоt оnly coоk ;))
    Im reаl gіrl, not рrostіtutе, and lookіng for seriоus and hot relаtionshiр…
    Аnyway, уоu саn find my рrоfіlе hеrе:

  5. If you are a Small Business who is aspiring to expand operations, increase inventory, and refinance debt or to buy new machinery to increase your sales and profits, then we are here to help you in obtaining SBA LOANS. We specialize in arranging 7 (a), Term Loan and Merchant Cash Advance MCA Loans for our clients up to US$ 5 Million in a very short time.
    Consultation is absolutely free and non-obligatory.
    Jessica Gatlin
    Commercial and Business
    New York, NY
    Respond with Stop to opt-out.

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